Philosophy of Coaching

Having been a lifelong athlete myself, I have had the opportunity to work with many coaches and have seen many different styles and philosophies used to motivate and improve athletes. Also, from my own professional background as a psychologist, I have learned much about my own personal strengths and weaknesses. Having watched all my mentors and knowing a bit of who I am, I believe I have narrowed in on how I work best with different athletes.

You are all different, with different wants, needs and desires. One “package” does not fit all. Each of you bring different life experiences. From your experiences you have shaped your personal views about life and yourselves. A coach’s job is to try their best to understand who you are in many different capacities – spouse, parent, employee, employer, friend, athlete, etc. By knowing you as a complete person, a coach can better understand your motivations and provide you with the environment – physical, mental, emotional, etc. – that will keep you motivated to keep working toward your athletic goal.

IM Boulder 70.3 Finishers
Running Strength
I advocate taking a strength-based approach in coaching. Start with what you can do and build on that. Success leads to success, and success motivates you to take more challenges and improve not only your areas needing improvement, but your strengths as well.

Part of my life philosophy is to work hard and have fun too. “All work and no play …” can lead to drudgery. To be a successful athlete you must work hard. However, as you get fit and improve your skills, I believe you will find a new level of joy and fun as you participate in your sport.

"A warrior does not give up what he loves; he finds the love in what he does. A warrior is not about perfection, or victory, or invulnerability: it is about vulnerability. That is the only true courage."

- Unknown Author